Did you know it was possible to take free online distance learning from an ivy league school? And you can start pretty much immediately! Ever since the pandemic has turned work from home, a real reality, schooling has followed in the same steps.
Here are a few scholarships for college students, where free ivy league courses are available. Columbia, Harvard University, Penn State, Brown, and Princeton. The online education you can receive from these ivy leagues is the same as if you were going to classes on campus. There are nearly 500 online college courses.
What courses are available at Harvard:
- Programming
- Humanities
- Business
- Health & Medicine
- Computer Science
- Art and Design
- Science
- Data Science
- Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Education and Teaching
What courses are available at Yale:
- Astronomy
- African American Studies
- American Studies
- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Classics
- Economics
- English
- Environmental Studies
- Geology and Geophysics
- History
- History of Art
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Sociology
- And more
What courses are available at Penn State:
- Business Foundations Specialization
- Entrepreneurship Specialization
- Healthcare Law
- Finance
- Programming
- Property Law
- Management
- Robotics
- Positive Psychology
- Dental Medicine
These ivy league’s offer the same type of certificates and places like Brown offer Non-Degree courses that simply given online distance learning students tutorials on how to work through certain field studies.
Each university has a spot on their website that is for online education and online degree. Luckily, enough there are more courses on personal development and even childcare. These are perfect for anyone looking for classes on personal or emotional development that do not have the extra time to use for attending an on-site campus.
You can simply pick whichever online college courses fit the want or need any student is seeking, and signup to start your online education. Some courses even offer internships after finishing their distance learning degree. Thankfully, there is no need to look for scholarships for college students in this area.